Biote in San Antonio
Rediscover Balance
Many women find that after pregnancy, their body has changed. Sometimes physically, but often in less obvious ways. Most notably, many women find that even as their bodies return to pre-pregnancy shape, they begin dealing with hormone deficiency. An imbalance in hormone levels can cause a host of problems. Not just physical issues like lack of energy and decreased muscle mass, but emotional and even sexual issues as well.
Every person is unique, and so are their hormones. With Biote, San Antonio Women’s Health provides personalized care, helping deliver a targeted experience for each patient based on their health goals, lab results, and the medical judgment of their provider. When taken with the correct dosage, Biote can help women working to restore the energy and wellness they had prior to pregnancy improve their mental, physical, and emotional health.
The Procedure
What it Treats
Problems with sleep
Lack of energy
Muscle loss
Symptoms of menopause in women (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, etc.)
Mood swings and irritability
Loss of libido
Sexual health issues
And more!
Treatment Length
Up to 3 months or longer
21 years or older
Why try Biote in San Antonio?
Improvements to Health and Wellbeing
With the proper dosage, hormone replacement therapy with Biote can lead to improvements to sleep, mood, bone strength, muscle mass, and more!
Increased Libido and Sexual Performance
Biote has also proven successful in improving sex drive and treating symptoms of sexual dysfunction, such as vaginal dryness.
Continue as Needed
Though some patients benefit from continued hormone replacement therapy with Biote over the course of multiple years, others experience the full benefits after just a few months! If you find your hormones have returned to pre-pregnancy levels, you can stop at any time.
The Biote Process
What to Expect?
Before your Biote treatment in San Antonio, you'll meet with one of our providers for a consultation. We will discuss your concerns, symptoms, goals, and sensitivities. Based on this initial consultation, we will create a personalized treatment plan for your needs, which could include oral or topical medications.
Biote Treatment
If your provider determines Biote is suitable for your needs, you'll be able to use your medication as prescribed in a home setting.
You'll begin to experience the results of Biote after several weeks, with full results becoming apparent after roughly 3 months.
Before your appointment for Biote treatment in San Antonio, it is important to
Know the risks
People suffering from any of the following conditions should likely avoid hormone replacement therapy
- Blood clots
- Cancer (such as breast, uterine, or endometrial)
- Heart disease or heart attack
- Liver disease
- Known or suspected pregnancy
- Stroke

Know the side effects
There are several potential side effects of hormone replacement therapy with Biote. If you experience extreme or worsening symptoms, please contact your provider
- Hot flashes
- Bloating
- Swelling or tenderness
- Cramps
- Indigestion
- Vaginal bleeding

Get the most from your Biote treatment in San Antonio
We recommend taking the following steps
- Use all medications as directed for the recommended amount of time
- Speak to your provider if you experience any abnormal or prolonged symptoms

Get Started
Tell us more about what you need using our Virtual Consultation Tool. Simply input your concerns and we'll provide custom treatment recommendations for your unique needs.